Kuopio campus
On Wednesday 29.1.2025
Here you’ll find the 2024 program and lecture materials for the Natural Sciences Day.
The Natural Sciences day includes lectures, workshops and the possibility to get to know companies from the field of natural sciences. Unfortunately this years lectures and workshops are held mainly in Finnish. However, the cooperation partners can answer your questions about their businesses in English at the company market!
Hey there!
Welcome to the Natural Sciences Day 2024. The idea for event began in Kuopio and will be held, as of tradition, in the Snellmania-building.
You do not need to register for the work shops beforehand.
You can contact us at luoti.info@gmail.com!
Wednesday 31st Jan 2024
Kuopio, Snellmania building
Business market & CV-picture
Snellmania lobby
Meet the companies involved in Natural Sciences Day on the Business market. Get your CV-picture taken at the same time!
Workshop: Turning skills to business ideas
In Finnish
Tomi Tuovinen
Workshop: The roots of the expertese tree: strengths, values and me
In Finnish
Suvi Liikkanen
Workshop: Expertese tree: expertese, dreams and interests
In Finnish
Suvi Liikkanen
Tomi Tuovinen
Business Center
Suvi Liikkanen
Loimu ry