Companies 2025
The following companies will introduce themselves at the Natural Sciences Day! You can familiarise the companies by their introductions below or on their own websites.

BioSO4 Oy commenced commercial activities in 2018 and acts as a distributor of global mining reagent producers.
BioSO4 Oy offers a wide range of REACH-registered mining reagents from major international manufacturers. The company’s main products are xanthates, Danafloat liquid collectors and grinding media.
In addition to products with high product purity, we offer product and usage information related to the use of flotation chemicals, quality monitoring of the products offered, monitoring the environmental impact of product use and a cost-effective door-to-door logistics service. We have been cooperating with our customers from the beginning planned production and with our extensive global network, we are able to help select environmentally friendly and cost-effective chemical solutions for mining projects even before the production begins.

Eurofins Environment Testing Finland
Eurofins Environment testing is Finland’s largest commercial environmental and industrial laboratory operator. We also offer comprehensive environmental expert services as well as various air research and emission measurements. We have Finland’s largest network of environmental samplers and 15 laboratories around Finland. We are also part of the international Eurofins network.
We already employ more than 400 laboratory and environmental professionals in Finland. We offer diverse and interesting tasks, training opportunities and competitive employee benefits. We want to be the best workplace in our industry.

Finnish Society For Cell Biology
The Finnish Society for Cell Biology is a non-profit organization aiming to support education, research and employment of people in the field of cell biology and related biological sciences. Among other things, we organize scientific seminars and company visits as well as regularly cooperate with the student associations of the field. In addition, we publish the Cell Biologist (Solubiologi) magazine, the only publication written in Finnish within our field. This year, we will also offer new kind of content for our student members in the form of summer trainee position webinars. Check out our social media for details and while at it, join our constantly growing group of members!

Phage bioinformatics, laboratory services and phage licensing from Finland.

Sweco is Europe’s leading engineering and architecture consultancy. Sweco aims to strike a balance between man and nature through various biodiversity projects, creating sustainable and responsible business. When assessing environmental impacts, we examine the potential effects of a planned project on people, the environment and biodiversity. The assessment helps decision-makers, project owners and designers make the right decisions on the implementation of projects, as well as on the prevention and minimisation of their environmental impacts.

Umicore Finland
Umicore is a leading circular materials technology company with an extensive expertise in the fields of material science, chemistry and metallurgy. Our overriding goal of sustainable value creation is based on the ambition to develop, produce and recycle materials in a way that fulfils our mission: “materials for a better life”. Which is why we are now more than ever determined to leverage our unique position and mutually reinforcing portfolio of activities to accelerate the global transformation of mobility, respond to the growing need for advanced materials, and contribute to the pursuit of a global circular economy.

WSP is a globally recognized professional services firm providing strategic advisory, engineering and design services to clients in the transportation, infrastructure, environment, building, power, energy, water, and mining sectors. Our trusted professionals are united by a shared goal: to create positive, long-lasting impacts on the communities we serve.

University of Jyväskylä, Faculty of Mathematics and Science
We search for answers and strive to improve our understanding of the universe and the world around us. We want to share our expertise and help shape the future by solving problems which affect us all. We look for solutions that address climate change, fight the decline in biodiversity, develop new technological innovations and help build more sustainable living habits.

BioSO4 Oy commenced commercial activities in 2018 and acts as a distributor of global mining reagent producers.
BioSO4 Oy offers a wide range of REACH-registered mining reagents from major international manufacturers. The company’s main products are xanthates, Danafloat liquid collectors and grinding media.
In addition to products with high product purity, we offer product and usage information related to the use of flotation chemicals, quality monitoring of the products offered, monitoring the environmental impact of product use and a cost-effective door-to-door logistics service. We have been cooperating with our customers from the beginning planned production and with our extensive global network, we are able to help select environmentally friendly and cost-effective chemical solutions for mining projects even before the production begins.

Business center
Business Center Pohjois-Savo is a joint service network of six organizations for the development of entrepreneurship and business ideas and for strengthening the vitality and competitiveness of Eastern Finland.
The Business Center consists of: entrepreneurship and business development coaches and experts from Savonia University of Applied Sciences, the University of Eastern Finland, Savo Vocational College, the cities of Iisalmi and Kuopio, and Varkaus Navitas Kehitys Oy.
With the help of our extensive national and international network, we find our customers the best help and support for starting and developing their business. We also work in close cooperation with the ecosystems and clusters of Northern Savo.

Finnish Society For Cell Biology
The Finnish Society for Cell Biology is a non-profit organization aiming to support education, research and employment of people in the field of cell biology and related biological sciences. Among other things, we organize scientific seminars and company visits as well as regularly cooperate with the student associations of the field. In addition, we publish the Cell Biologist (Solubiologi) magazine, the only publication written in Finnish within our field. This year, we will also offer new kind of content for our student members in the form of summer trainee position webinars. Check out our social media for details and while at it, join our constantly growing group of members!

GE HealthCare
Haluamme edistää terveyttä ja entistä täsmällisempää ja tehokkaampaa hoitoa.
Terveydenhoito on saavutettavampaa, tehokkaampaa ja teknologisesti kehittyneempää kuin koskaan. Toisaalta kustannusten nousu ja väestön ikääntyminen kuormittavat terveydenhuoltoa ennennäkemättömällä tavalla.
Tässä me astumme kuvaan –älykkäät laitteemme, analytiikkasovelluksemme ja palvelumme auttavat terveydenhuollon ammattilaisia potilashoidon etulinjassa tekemään työnsä vieläkin tehokkaammin ja paremmin.

Kuopio Health
Kuopio Health open innovation ecosystem is a thriving international community dedicated to improving health and wellness through collaborative innovation.
While our approach is built on three pillars – insight, collaboration and contribution – the heart of the ecosystem is the multidisciplinary joint venture, Kuopio Health Co-op. itself, which consists of entrepreneurs, innovators, business leaders, and educational, medical and governmental experts who have a thirst for solving the world’s vital health problems.

Kuopion vesi
Kuopion Vesi works is owned by the municipalities of Kuopio and Siilinjärvi. The turnover of the company is approximately 34 million euros, and there are 94 people working for the company. The main strategy of Kuopion Vesi is to produce good quality drinking water and treating the waste water properly. Furthermore the aim is to provide good conditions for both municipalities to grow and develop with a good and functional water treatment system.
Kuopio Vesi offers its services in the urban areas of Kuopio and Siilinjärvi, and in Melalahti, Vehmersalmi, Karttula, Nilsiä, Maaninka and Juankoski, which are smaller villages in the district of Kuopio. There are 15 water sources and water treatment plants, nine waste water treatment plants, and almost 2000 km long distribution network including pipelines for drinking water and waste water in Kuopio and in Siilinjärvi.

We at Rocsole are experts in electrical tomography and its application to fluid systems, such as pipelines, refineries, or manufacturing production plants.
With blue-chip partners, we’ve worked hard to make the unique SeeBeyond technology a reliable partner for operational excellence.
Founded in 2012, taking academic R&D and transforming that in recent years into industrial solutions in Energy production systems and manufacturing processes.
We help corporate partners streamline their operations and meet their ESG goals.

Sweco is Europe’s leading engineering and architecture consultancy. Sweco aims to strike a balance between man and nature through various biodiversity projects, creating sustainable and responsible business. When assessing environmental impacts, we examine the potential effects of a planned project on people, the environment and biodiversity. The assessment helps decision-makers, project owners and designers make the right decisions on the implementation of projects, as well as on the prevention and minimisation of their environmental impacts.

VTT is a visionary research and innovation partner for companies and society
VTT is one of Europe’s leading research institutions. We are owned by the Finnish state. We advance the utilisation and commercialisation of research and technology in commerce and society. Through scientific and technological means, we turn large global challenges into sustainable growth for businesses and society. We bring together people, business, science and technology to solve the biggest challenges of our time. This is how we create sustainable growth, jobs and wellbeing and bring exponential hope.